I'm introducing you to one of my top life-proof skills, The Roll to Stand which could get you out of your next hostage situation.
Concerningly this is a skill that many need to develop.
The motivation behind this skill is that at some point in your life you'll fall for the first time in a long time and you'll be offended that your body just let you down.
As much as falling sucks, not being able to get up sucks more.
This isn't your body betraying you if you haven't spent the time developing the skill.

I recount my dad telling me the story of my (very old) Nanna spending 2 days on the floor of her home where she lived by herself waiting to be rescued.
This, my friends is The YMC mission... Be hard to kill.

Abs are cool and all but a visible 6-pack won't get your ass off the floor when needed most. Add roll stands into your weekly programming or join the WOD Membership for a growing library of follow-along workout videos based on the Your Move philosophy.

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.