Yep just like the TV ads circa 2011.

We are big babies when it comes to our habits. Sometimes it's not the elimination of the habit, but the substitution is all you need to act in a way which supports your goals.
What this looks like and the terms are completely up to you. But surely by now you've quit sugar or gone on an extreme diet a few times and it's never stuck.

Learn from this and do something different.

So you want to cut down on your om-nom-nom creamy Starbucks coffee habit?

Do you go cold turkey and opt for water or do you make your own slightly less fancy but still caffeinated coffee?

Which will result in less murders per capita?

Want to learn more?

I wrote this guide: 5 food swaps - Which meant I kept the beer, fried chicken and breakfast eggs but I just changed a few things so I didn't have to get rid of them completely. Swapping goes beyond food and can be applied to your workouts, sleep time, morning routines, you name it.

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.