Lower calorie, anti-murder-y food swaps

[How I found 500 calories to lose in my daily intake]

I know I know you've probably heard something similar heaps of times from a whole bunch of influencers and coaches.

I've tried to find my UNIQUE, TRIED and TESTED approaches that keep me hovering around my optimum maintenance, consistently... and whilst not getting hangry or feeling deprived.

250-500 calories per day, consistently is the recommended deficit when something's not quite right or you're managing your sustainable weight-loss / fat-loss goal.

And you can do it without feeling the need to murder anyone, break anything, sleep all day or cry into your bowl of tears.


Omnivores - I talk about eggs and meat so if you're vego, vegan, perhaps give this one a miss.

what nutrition qualifications do you have, elise?

I'm a certified Nutrition coach. Please do not confuse this for a Dietitian or Nutritionist - different approach.

how can I talk to you more about my individual nutrition needs?

Glad you asked - book a call [here] and let's talk about your needs.

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