Get rid of your belief that exercise only counts if it's X duration, Y intensity or (ugh) burns Z calories.

❌❌I say this from the heart because once upon a time I had a stupid rule of not being able to eat until I had burned 1000 calories for the day according to my Fitbit ❌❌

I rarely managed it so please do not take this as health coach advice - it's what-not-to-do

This was also the girl that ignored all the obvious signs of my basic needs not being met (shit sleep, all of the stress, shit relationships) aka barking up the cactus instead of the apple tree. My approach to health and wellness is so much different now and you can see this through my teachings. yay #growth

This really does differ from person to person, but mostly my people come to me struggling to get any dedicated movement in on a busy work day. 

They don't have the mythical time to do a 5km walk. Not yet anyways. 

Based on the something is better than nothing principle. Get off your perfectionist podium and take a walk around the block. 5 mins. That's all.

Which is better? The 5k walk you didn't do or the walk around the block you did do?

I hope you have the right answer.

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.