Your intake / serving sizes are all proportionate

Here's an olive branch for you. You know a serve doesn't have to be a whole thing right?
I'm a small human - Imagine if I were accountable to the same "serving sizes" as the guy next to me with baseball mitts for hands?
Not fair! In July I'm going to attempt to hit my 2n5 (2 fruit, 5 vegetables) every day, but rest assured my serving size is MY SIZE, and not the next guys.

So how do I figure this out (and how can you)?

Using the Precision Nutrition Hand Method:
ONE CUPPED HANDFUL is one serve of fruit 💁‍♀️=🍎
ONE CLOSED FIST is one serve of vegetables, ✊=🥗

So that apple that I can fit both my hands around... Two Serves!

Try it with me (you can join my challenge), fibre is fun! The intention (as always) is not weight loss but gaining vitality and energy through a balanced, mostly wholefoods intake - the body sorts itself out.

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.