Have you ever gone to a gym and jumped on the machine labelled “weight loss”
Nah me either.
It’s because it doesn’t exist.

Can you imagine after 90 days of a structured nutrition and training program, you’ve lost all this weight – you get to go back to eating the food you enjoyed and get rid of the 6am  training sessions… right? ðŸ˜¬ 

The habits and lifestyle which got you to a place of discomfort will always take you back to the same place. If that’s what you want, that’s who you will become every single time. 

Yes we can 100% strike a balance between the food you love and the food you need. But if the new you thinks they can go back to ‘the way things were’ now that the work is done…. I’m sorry actions don’t cut it anymore if the underlying lifestyle is the same.  You must step into the lifestyle of the person you want to become and live it. No more pretending.

I’m not going to steal James Clear’s (the Author of Atomic Habits, which you should consider reading) thunder I really couldn’t have said it better myself.  

This is just a reminder that there is no end. Change isn’t a part-time gig.
Nor do results come from a specific machine or pill or exercise or food.    

Live long and work on your lifestyle, not  your biceps 🖖

This information adapted from everything I’ve learned as a coach. If you want to hang out with me and learn some more consider if my 6 + 6 week coaching program is right for you and get your shit together – Health, Self, Stealth. 

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.