I've coached a lot of kids gymnastics and tumbling and overwhelmingly I would be asked

"Oh I can't do X can I do something else?" 

And that's fine.
But not always had they tried the thing first.
Or saw the future possibilities given time, practice, adequate milestones and coaching.

I'm a culprit too.
I boohooed over the I can't swim story for years whilst simultaneously taking very few actions towards rectifying my situation.
I told myself I wasn't good at all the IT computer stuff which stunted my business potential for years.

Even though both statement's were true. They are only permanent if I keep telling the same story. 

Re-write the "I can't because____" statements

and give less shits about what other people think

Question for you: 

What "I can't" or "I'm not good at" statements do you hold close to your chest, wear like a badge?

How are they shaping your identity? Stopping you from being more of what you want to be?
And how many of them are permanent, unchangeable?
How many of them are you just not taking the right actions towards change?
What are a few steps you could take over the next few weeks to change these statements? 

About the Author Elise

Elise is the CEO, Admin, HR, Content Creator, Door bitch and Toilet Cleaner @ Your Move co.